By: Jayvee R
People disagree on a lot of things.
But if there is one thing that we can all agree on, it is that we are undeniably living in a highly technological and digitized world.
We now have easy access to the cloud that connects us to just about everything – like talking in real time to someone through Facetime, browsing through pictures on Facebook, tweeting a comment on Twitter, even shopping sprees in Shoppee, and perhaps listening to some nineties music on Spotify.
This cutting- edge technology called the cloud is, no doubt, the technology to have these days.
To exist in a world that was struck by the Covid 19 pandemic means to stand out as a strong and formidable company and reinforce the importance of resilience, strength, agility, adaptability, productivity, and scalability.
The pandemic created an unprecedented wake up call for businesses to be ready to connect with their teams in times of adversity through cloud based management software that offers greater efficiency and accelerated innovation.
Cloud based management software is not just a trend or an in-thing momentarily but is now the primary driving tool for innovation that enables advanced digital technologies to any organization that will adapt to it.
Therefore, it is critical to ascend and migrate to cloud software now!
By itself, cloud based management software is a set of hardware, network, services, storage and interfaces that offers services like accounting, computing and provides software as a service, infrastructure and storage with the use of the internet. To name a few:
- Software as a Service (SaaS) – Do you know that Google Apps, Dropbox, SalesForce are SaaS based?
- Platform as a Service (PaaS) – Are you familiar with Heroku and Windows Azure?
- Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) – This refers to a third party cloud management software that provides service to their clients like Microsoft Azure and Digital Ocean.
The three services listed above have their own benefits as well as differences and it is imperative to understand what difference lies among the three.
Many companies have more options today than they used to, in order to keep their teams connected, informed and most of all productive.
Cloud-based management software are the ones driving innovation, and over the past several years, 60% of companies have migrated from traditional platforms to cloud accounting and cloud management software.
And let’s be real, the cloud is the future and it is here to stay.
There are many benefits to having cloud management software when it comes to streamlining Accounting, Human Resource (HR) , Team Communication and coordination, file sharing, project scheduling and day-to-day collaboration.
There are several key benefits of cloud based management software in comparison to traditional solutions.
Accessibility anywhere
Access is key.
You can connect and access anything while having lunch with a friend from anywhere for as long as there is internet connection.
Your team might be from your office, from their homes or at the job site yet everyone can access the same shared workspace, on whatever device they prefer to use.
Cloud management software definitely is today’s solution for every business if they want to stay on top.
Enhanced Team Coordination
Many companies are often spread out and on-the-go especially those in the sales and marketing department, moving from places or working from different locations around the country or even around the world.
Cloud-based management software simplifies all tasks starting from team communication, accounting, HR coordination, collaboration, making files accessible anywhere, using any device with an internet connection.
Wherever your team members are physically located, cloud management software puts their tasks close to them, at their fingertips, so the teams can coordinate more efficiently.
Improved Ease of Use
Find everything you need in one easy-to-access location in real time.
From file management, accounting, payroll to HR operations, you no longer need various platforms to take care of the different aspects of your business.
Cloud-based management software eliminates communication errors and directly connects everyone since all of your pertinent documents and communication are saved and stored in one centralized location, where you can view everyone’s feedback and suggestions quickly.
Best of all it is in real time.
Reliable Backup
Utilizing a cloud-based management software does not need local backups and complicated version control.
All of your documents, files are safely stored off-site in a server that is safely backed up and always updated.
Human error in data encoding is minimized.
You can also easily share with other teams by giving them access only to the files you want them to see, screening and sifting through while keeping team collaboration more subtle and private.
Real Time Access
Real time. Actual time. Period
So Are You Ready to Ascend To The Cloud?
Work with the best team to help you create a plan and develop world class cloud based management software just for you!
Check out: and choose from among the products you need.